Def Leppard
X: The New Album
As new information on the new Def Leppard album, X, is released, it will appear on this page.
Tentative information means that it is not confirmed, which means that no real release date and/or touring schedule exists as of this moment, which means that if you ask I'll tell you the exact same thing.
Complete Track Listing
- Now (opening single)
- Unbelievable
- You're So Beautiful
- Everyday
- Long, Long Way To Go
- Four Letter Word
- Torn To Shreds
- Love Don't Lie
- Gravity
- Cry
- Girl Like you
- Let Me Be The One
- Scar
- Kiss The Day (Japanese/UK release only)
- Long, Long Way To Go (acoustic) (Japanese release only)
X has been out for 2 months. This completes the updates to this particular page with regards to new information on X. All new information regarding Def Leppard (interviews, online chats, tour scheduling, etc) and X will be listed in the Breaking News section of the Def Leppard Archive. Finally, Vault is holding steady in the top 10 of Billboard's Top Pop Catalog chart.
In it's 3rd week, X drops to #73 on Billboard's Top 200 chart. Vault is still #1 on Billboard's Top Pop Catalog chart.
X debuted at #11 on Billboard's Top 200 chart with sales of 71,000 units. Vault also rose to #1 on Billboard's Top Pop Catalog chart.
X release dates:
- July 24 (Japan)
- July 30 (US/Canada)
- August 5 (intl/UK)
The release date for the international/UK release of X has been delayed until August 5. Now will be released in the UK as a single on July 29. Now will not be released commercially in the US. has released the final track listing, shown above.
Now will be the first single off of X. Release date is scheduled for sometime in July. has released the release dates for X.
Japanese release (14 songs): July 24
UK/international release (13 songs): July 29
US/Canadian release (13 songs): July 30
Clive Arrowsmith is doing the photography for the X booklets and promotional material.
A chance encounter by a fan with Phil Collen has revealed that X will be released in the US on August 5. No official word as of yet.
Several sources are indicating an early summer (June?) release date for X. There has been no official date or time frame released however. is reporting that the name for the new album will be X. No word yet as to whether it's pronounced "Ex", or "Ten".
Joe Elliott mentioned in an interview on that they had been collaborating with Marti Fredericksen, Andreas Carlsson, and Per Anderheim as producers. He also hinted in the same interview that the band was planning for a release date for the summer of 2002.
The band has been spotted in Sweden, recording at the same studios that ABBA used many years ago. As of this writing, however, the band members have returned to their respective homes.
There have been news reports that the band has been getting together to record parts of the next album. One report even went as far as stating that they were planning a release near the end of this year. Sources say that's very unlikely. Only parts of demos have been recorded so far, and the band hasn't gotten together to work out songs in full.
Editor's Note: Please don't ask me about release dates and touring schedule. All information that I have is listed above. When I get anything regarding the new album, it gets put here as fast as possible.
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